Friday, April 30, 2010

Its a New Day

My name is Cortney-Erin and this is my new blog. I have another blog about my chronic healthy journey at if you are interested in reading the background to my health issues.

I began my healthy way eating a few years ago when I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. No pain meds would take it away, but what did work was going to an organic diet. These days I enjoy cooking with good quality fresh ingredients and even making new meals for my mum who is gluten sensitive. I believe I have a dairy sensitivity so you will probably see a few recipes for food allergies or those who have chosen the vegan way of life!

As a future doctor, I put a lot of effort to make sure what I and my family are eating is good for their health. There are many ways to make a better version of "bad" food. I hope with this blog to post recipies, take recomendations, and share some of my thoughts on food, school lunches, beauty products, meat, etc.

For starters we will start with GMOs: Genetically Modified Organisms aka organisms whose DNA has been genetically engineered to create a "model" organism for planting. After several years of Biology, I have learned the basics of a plant and through genetics I also know that genes are not supposed to be tampered with! The industry of genetically modifided crops is huge and has spun into a life of its own. It does not only effect us as humans, but also the insect population (namely, butterflies). GMOs are becoming increasingly impossible to get rid of. They pose unknown health risks and crops that are not GMOed (organic) can become contaminated with pollen from GMOed plants ruining the whole crop! Soy, corn, rice, and fish are a few everyday foods contaminated with GMOS. While providing some benifits to the crops such as I call being a "self pesticide", the possible risks could very well outweigh the benefits. GMOs have become a part of our food chain, there is a soy or corn ingredient in practically every food you pick up at the grocery store. Could this be partially if not fully responsible for the rise in food allergies and sensitivities? What does eating GMO infested food do to a baby while the mother is pregnant? If the plants genes are modified, who is to say ours cant become modified too?

I'd love to know your thoughts on this.

- C

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